Julia Rutherford Silvers, CSEP

Certified Special Events Professional

Event Management Authority

Like angels and elephants dancing on the head of a pin, our dreams and responsibilities may have no limits, but must be balanced according to the music of the moment.









Decision Management

27 November 2013

The establishment of practical decision-making systems for the event project that include the accurate framing of decisions; the application of the pertinent resources, criteria, rules, and restraints; facilitating suitable deliberation and collaboration; and ensuring the proper authority and empowerment are granted.


Major Functions

Performance Elements

Decision Planning

Recognize scope and nature of decisions surrounding event management

Establish policies and procedures for regular event project decision making

Establish policies and procedures for variable event project decision making

Ensure decision making that conforms to legal and ethical standards

Decision Framing

Recognize when a problem, opportunity or choice exists

Identify the reasons for the problem, opportunity, or choice

Specify the applicable goals and objectives of the decision outcome

Specify the resources that will be required to make the decision

Determine the impacts that the decision will have

Decision Process

Identify the available options using a variety of techniques

Specify who or what will make the decision

Evaluate available options and select best option

Provide documentation of the decision process, methods, and criterion

Decision Criterion

Establish the quantitative and/or qualitative criterion and data to be used

Determine the need for consultation and/or collaboration

Prevent unsanctioned decision making

Devise rules and regulations that eliminate unnecessary decision making

Decision Implementation

Determine thresholds for implementing pre-established decisions

Ensure individual responsible for making the decision has authority to implement it

Establish change management devices and protocols

Communicate the decision made to all appropriate and affected personnel

Monitor progress and outcomes of the decision, and revise plans as necessary



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