Julia Rutherford Silvers, CSEP

Certified Special Events Professional

Event Management Authority

Like angels and elephants dancing on the head of a pin, our dreams and responsibilities may have no limits, but must be balanced according to the music of the moment.









Participant Management

27 November 2013

The coordination and facilitation of the measures necessary to meet the procedural, practical, and hospitality requirements of those individuals having a direct and predetermined participatory role in the event project.


Major Functions

Performance Elements

Participant Assessment

Identify individuals having a direct role in the event project

Specify expectations for both participant and event organization

Identify and analyze participant’s needs

Manage fulfillment of contractual and other practical needs

Admittance System

Determine admission control requirements

Establish admission procedures and limitations

Specify admittance credentials to be used

Implement credentialing system

Access Control

Determine access restrictions for the participant

Determine restrictions for access to the participant

Establish suitable entrances, exits, and routes as necessary

Coordinate necessary access control facilities and services

Protocol Requirements

Specify appropriate forms of verbal and written address

Determine and implement order of precedence

Incorporate appropriate symbols as required

Identify and adhere to applicable ceremonial procedures


Identify hospitality requirements

Secure and incorporate special services as needed

Coordinate technical and practice or rehearsal requirements

Specify and coordinate space or facilities as appropriate

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