Julia Rutherford Silvers, CSEP

Certified Special Events Professional

Event Management Authority

Like angels and elephants dancing on the head of a pin, our dreams and responsibilities may have no limits, but must be balanced according to the music of the moment.









EMBOK Day at the Las Vegas International Hospitality and Convention Summit

Tuesday, June 6, 2006


The progress of the Event Management Body of Knowledge (EMBOK) was the focus of a day-long review and discussion of the International EMBOK Model at the 2006 Las Vegas International Hospitality and Convention Summit, held June 4-6 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).

The International EMBOK Model

© 2005, International EMBOK Executive, All Rights Reserved

Developed by members of the International EMBOK Executive, the Model is a knowledge framework and descriptive summary of the scope and processes that are used in the management of events that may be customized to meet the needs of various cultures, governments, education programs, and organizations.


The features of the Model were explained, including definitions of the five Knowledge Domains encompassing 35 functional areas (Classes), the five Phases, the five Processes, and the five Core Values. This was followed by discussions to analyze the scope and validity of the model and to make recommendations for its improvement and adoption by a broad variety of academic and industry stakeholders.


Click here to view a PowerPoint that explains the International EMBOK Model.


The initial global EMBOK framework and taxonomy, based on a comparison of the knowledge systems supporting the event management industry including numerous occupational standards, certification knowledge domains, academic curriculums and literature review, was introduced by Julia Rutherford Silvers at the 2004 Las Vegas International Hospitality and Convention Summit and expanded at the 2004 International EMBOK Imbizo (the Zulu word for gathering).


This was the first time an analytical review of the EMBOK was conducted within the United States. The International EMBOK Model had been developed and reviewed at two previous Imbizos held in South Africa in 2004 and 2005, which included participants from Australia, Canada, Germany, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


Participants from industry and academia were in attendance as this conceptual framework for a common international event management body of knowledge was examined and strategies were discussed to facilitate its further development, usage and ratification, including a Research Menu.

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